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Please Donate To Our Water Project

Ezra Arenyeka Foundation, believe water is one of the best investments the

world can make to improve health and empower communities to function. Without proper access to water, human life cannot be productive and efficient as we all need water to survive. Through access to water, a trickle-down effect happens in

humanity; women can be empowered in numerous facets, families can provide for

themselves easier and have an increased income; which can lead to access to education and an overall change and improvement to life.


Ezra Arenyeka, the founder of our foundation is passionate about making a change and difference and is beginning in his hometown- Warri, Delta State Nigeria. To contribute and alleviate poor to zero access to water which is a core value of the foundation, our Water impact project in the Pesu community in Warri will be the first of our efforts to help the lives of people. Unfortunately, Pesu has no access to clean water and people must walk for kilometers to find water or buy at a cost to themselves which is not sustainable for people with low income.

For the Pesu community, we will be digging a borehole to give the community access to clean water. As lack of access to water is also coupled with lack of electricity, the borehole will be solar powered. Solar-powered boreholes offer a long-term solution to water scarcity and provide water to thousands of people. The water is pumped from the ground, using electricity generated from solar panels, making it a reliable clean, sustainable solution especially for a remote area such as Pesu.One thing no one can withhold and take away from the community, is access to sunshine. This is a free resource that can be utilised to power the borehole in an effective way and with ease. For this reason, we believe a solar borehole is a crucial investment.

A solar-powered borehole can supply enough water for a staggering 4,000 people. It comes with a water tank and an additional water distribution system. After the borehole is drilled and fully set-up, the local population will have a safe supply of water for drinking and irrigation. This will not only eradicate the risk of contracting water-borne disease but also enhance food-security within the Pesu local community. When we build a water system, we ensure communities have a sustainable source of clean water for years to come and bypass short-term interventions and high running costs instead, building the borehole system, training communities, distributing hygiene kits, and rehabilitating the water system.

As Ezra Arenyeka fights in the ring, he is simultaneously fighting to improve the lives of those in his community who also deserve healthy lives filled with access to not only their basic needs but all the tools to succeed in whatever way they desire. Help us to begin this vision through this project to provide men, women, and children clean and safe water, an essential we all take for granted.

A total of £4,000 is needed to be able to build this water system for the Pesu community. If you will like to help the people of Pesu community please donate below.  Every little helps, your support will help make a massive difference. Ezra Arenyeka Foundation aims to complete this project by December 2024.


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